Books and Films

Many people come to an awareness of the inherent violence and unsustainability of industrial civilization through reading good books, watching excellent documentary films, and exploring the worldviews of indigenous cultures who live well, outside of what we think of as “civilization.”

Books  If you’re new to this material, you might want to start by reading “Endgame” by Derrick Jensen – or “Deep Green Resistance” by Keith, Jensen, McBay.

  • Abbey, Edward. Desert Solitaire: A Season in The Wilderness.  The Monkey Wrench Gang.
  • Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History of The Senses.
  • Best, Peter (ed.). Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of The Earth.
  • Diamond, Jared. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.
  • Dines, Gail.  Pornland:  How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality.
  • Churchill, Ward. Pacifism as Pathology: Reflections on The Role of Armed Struggle in North America. A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust & Denial in The Americas, 1492 to Present.
  • Devall, Bill & George Sessions. Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature Mattered.
  • Fleischman MD, Paul R.  The Buddha Taught Nonviolence, Not Pacifism.
  • Foreman, Dave, & Bill Haywood. Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching.
  • Griffin, Susan.  Woman and Nature.
  • Jensen, Derrick. Endgame, Vol. I: The Problem of Civilization. Endgame, Vol. II:  Deep Green Resistance (with Lierre Keith & Aric McBay).
  • La Chapelle, Dolores.  Sacred Land, Sacred Sex; Rapture of the Deep: Concerning Deep Ecology and Celebrating Life
  • Mander, Jerry. In The Absence of The Sacred: The Failure of Technology & the Survival of the Indian Nations.
  • Matthiessen, Peter. In The Spirit of Crazy Horse. 
  • McLuhan, T.C. Touch The Earth: A Self-Portrait of Indian Existence. The Way of The Earth: Encounters with Nature in Ancient & Contemporary Thought.
  • Quinn, Daniel. Ishmael. My Ishmael. The Story of B. Providence. Beyond Civilization: Humanity’s Next Great Adventure.
  • Sessions, George. Simple in Means, Rich in Ends: Practicing Deep Ecology. Deep Ecology for the Twenty-First Century: Readings on the Philosophy and Practice of the New Environmentalism.
  • Some, Malidoma.  Of Water and The Spirit:  Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman
  • Zehner, Ozzie.  Green Illusions:  The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy
  • Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States: 1492 to Present

FILMS viewable online

  • Crisis of Civilization – an art-science documentary film with Nafeez Ahmed PhD, geopolitical writer for Guardian UK
  • Earth:  Land is Life Documentary on UN Indigenous Nations Conference:
  • Excellent presentation on our current Reproductive Justice situation, by DGR organizer Rachel Ivey
  • Earth Law and Ecocide:  Giving Voice,  Polly Higgins, UK Lawyer
  • Fertile Ground West Coast tour, Saba Malik, DGR Advisor:
  • Fertile Ground West Coast tour, Dillon Thomson, DGR Organizer:
  • Sound wisdom from co-author of Deep Green Resistance, Derrick Jensen, interviewed by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now: Part I:  Part II
  • End: Civ, an edgy-documentary from the Pacific Northwest, many native voices around minute 15:
  • Comic artist Stephanie McMillan’s personal message:
  • An Irish narrated animated film that explains peak oil and petrochemical civilization collapse, child-friendly & brilliant.
  • An Australian 2013 documentary that focus on the Gaia principle and voices of elders from around the world, United Natures

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